
Sunday 26 April 2015

Grade 4 - Lesson 2 (Q4) (Classical Composers)

Classical Composers Research and Timeline Presentation

Students will work in groups. The timeline presentation of composer research will be scheduled for the week of May 8.

Project Details

Each group will research the various musical eras and create a timeline.
  • Baroque
  • Classical
  • Romantic
  • Modern
Choose one composer and present interesting findings (not dry recitation of facts and dates) biography. Research the life and music of your assigned composer or historical music period. Students will present their findings about the composer, including three major musical pieces, favored musical instruments and musical style.

Create one large, colorful, and detailed poster OR PREZI showing the following information IN YOUR OWN WORDS! 

For composers:

a. Year of birth, birthplace (city and country)
b. Year of death (city and country) if not alive
c. Location where most music was writtend. 3 important and interesting facts about the composer's life that significantly affected their music.

e. What instrument or instrument group is composer most known for writing? (Ex. string quartet, solo piano, symphony, band, etc.)
f. Focus piece of music (Listed in Group Section):

i. What style of music was it?
ii. What instrument group performed the work?
iii. Date written
iv. Date of first performance
v. 2 paragraphs of interesting facts and information about the piece musically (Do not list the types of instruments used or other general information. What makes the piece unique or different?)

g. Create a musical timeline featuring 5 of the composer’s most important works, the 3 important and interesting facts about the composer’s life, and birth and death dates. (TIMELINE should be a snapshot of all your researched information) 

For historic musical periods:

a. dates of historic musical period (ex. 1300-1500)
b. countries and/or cities where most music during period came from
c. 3 most important musical developments during the time period (Research in depth before choosing the 3 most important)
d. 3 of the most important composers from the time period and why were they so important or influential (Most important or influential means they or their music are unique in some way. Do not list general information that’s not unique or different.)
e. most prominent instruments played during this time period
f. Most famous piece of music written during this period: 

i. What style of music was it?
ii. What instrument group performed the work? 

iii. Date written

iv. Date of first performance
v. 1 interesting fact about piece musically (Do not list the types of instruments used or other general information. What makes the piece unique or different?)

g. Create a musical timeline featuring 5 of the period’s most important works, the 3 most important musical developments. (TIMELINE should be a snapshot of all your researched information)

Each member of the research group is responsible for researching all information. Each member must participate in the oral presentation for the group. 

Present an oral presentation of your poster to the class
  • Each member must present at least 1 element from the poster.
  • Speak clearly and project your voice so everyone can hear you.
  • It’s important each member appear engaged so the audience understands the importance of the information being given.
  • The group must demonstrate a sense of teamwork and collaboration.
  • Presentation should be 2-5 minutes in length.

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